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          來源:【人和時代?中國】vi標志設計公司 發布時間:2012-06-29 14:49:42 查看次數:

          And Hotel Internet marketing strategy where a few?
          (1) product strategy
              In hotel Internet marketing, guests can only through the hotel website to learn about the rooms, catering and other products to make a booking decision. Therefore, a good web page design and build the virtual product is the key of the hotel product strategy.
             (1) web design
              In front of the hotel web design requirements. Overall, No matter what form of web design must be able to attract guests.
             (2) virtual
              The hotel can take advantage of network technology to build virtual product to help customers understand the product before buying, and make their own requests. For example, the hotel on the site launched virtual rooms, allows guests to to simulate visit by logging onto the site before booking. Site followed by the picture and sound rendering panoramic rooms, the scenery outside the window, furniture, equipment, roof decoration, carpet patterns, such as guests, and describes the service project. If the guests are satisfied, you can make a reservation; If you feel that certain aspects are still not satisfactory, can be submitted to the site, the hotel will be adjusted as required, and invited guests to participate again, as far as possible to meet the needs of guests.
          (2) pricing strategy
              As mentioned earlier, network marketing can reduce the associated costs of the hotel, hotel online booking guests can give a more favorable price. The same time, the site should be established prices automatically adjust the system in accordance with the peak seasons of tourism, the market supply and demand situation, the changes in the prices of other hotels, etc., price adjustment, and regularly offers, discounts, etc., in order to attract guests. The hotel should make full use of the interactive features of network marketing, and guests to "negotiate" reasonable prices. At time of booking, guests can submit information acceptable to the price range, and required room floor, orientation, and the hotel its the basis of these data to determine the appropriate rooms. If guests need to book a price no more than 250 U.S. dollars in the fourth floor of standard rooms, but the hotel can only provide a fourth floor price is $ 260 standard rooms. At this point, the hotel and guests consultations allowed to make a choice to the guests make a commitment next stay to enjoy a more favorable price. In this way, guests may take the initiative to make a purchase decision.
          3 channel strategy
              The hotel network marketing channel strategy, the focus is to establish a membership network, and provides members with information and offers products. Hotel Guests can link up, composed of members of the network. Through the network platform to promote contacts and exchanges of members, to cultivate the loyalty of the guests of the hotel. Asked their opinions on the hotel after guests check, for example, via E-mail; on holidays, fine greeting cards sent to members via E-mail, before the new products to market, via E-mail notice to members and to solicit comments.
          (4) promotion strategy
              Site visit only a large number of visitors, will it be possible to increase online sales, so the key to the hotel Internet marketing promotion site promotion, improve click-through rate and hit rate. At present, network marketing, many methods, the hotel can choose the appropriate method depending on the circumstances, in their marketing.



          (版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://www.9820c.cn 作者:先鋒)


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              酒店VI設計網( http://www.hotelcis.com )
              國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )









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