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          來源:【人和時代?中國】vi標志設計公司 發布時間:2012-06-15 10:00:37 查看次數:


          The role of hotel sales promotion are there?
              Hotel sales promotion refers to the hotel within a particular time and space, with advertising and personnel selling, undertaken to stimulate the middlemen and consumers try to purchase or bulk purchase of the activities of the hotel product. The purpose of sales promotion is to quickly stimulate and expand demand in the short term, immediate effect, flexible and diverse, with a strong irritant.
          The role of hotel sales promotion
             (1) the hotel can take advantage of sales promotion measures to attract guests
              Sales promotion, meaning that offers additional benefits. This is not only able to attract new guests, but also attract competitors guests; the same time, strive for repeat customers have a role in promoting stability hotel guests.
             (2) sales promotion can shorten the process of new products into the market of hotel.
              Sales promotion is to hotel the most effective way to promote the new product. Hotel launched new products in the early stages of the market, most consumers it does not have enough awareness to understand, but also do not have enough weeks. With sales promotion, the hotel is to provide incentives to stimulate consumer or dealer can quickly mobilize the enthusiasm of the people to purchase, develop consumer interest and use of the hobby, so that consumers understand and accept the product as soon as possible.
             (3) sales promotion can enhance the hotel off-season sales
              In order to avoid the off-season reception idle capacity caused by waste and inefficiency, and hotel sales promotion for local residents and the price-sensitive consumers to take, such as price promotions, special gift and other activities, can improve the utilization of hotel sales and facilities, do not short off.
             (4) of the hotel sales promotion can be effective against and beat the competitor's sales promotion activities
              Competitors to carry out sales promotion activities, the hotel if not promptly take effective measures, will result in the loss of customers, market share decline. The sales promotion is effective weapon of the hotel confrontation and counter competitors. Such as free gifts, discounts and other ways to enhance the consumer appeal of the hotel product, check the purpose of the competitors in order to stabilize and expand their consumer buying group, to achieve.



          (版權所有:轉載請注明來源于【人和時代?中國】 http://www.9820c.cn 作者:先鋒)


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              企業VI設計網( http://www.9820c.cn )
              酒店VI設計網( http://www.hotelcis.com )
              國際CI網( http://www.brandcis.com )









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